
Thousands of Sets of Daled Minim Distributed to Shuvu Families!
September 30, 2021
Thousands of Sets of Daled Minim Distributed to Shuvu Families!
Once again Shuvu ran its annual pre-Sukkot campaign, and distributed thousands of sets of Daled Minim to its students and families! Many of the Shuvu families would simply not purchase a set of Daled Minim on their own, either due to financial restraints, or lack of understanding of their importance. The distribution took place in all of the network's schools throughout Israel, before the students left for their holiday vacation. They, and their families, were all thrilled and most grateful to be able to fulfill this precious Mitzvah, and many sent photos of themselves performing Netilat Lulav and sitting in their Sukkot!

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