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Shuvu's Kimcha Depischa Programs Implemented Most Successfully!
Shuvu's Kimcha Depischa Programs Implemented Most Successfully!
May 01, 2024
Once again Shuvu distributed thousands of packages of Matza and wine to its students, and for those in greater need even "extended packages" including basic ingredients for Yom Tov. Without Shuvu supplying these, the families either due to financial restraint or lack of understanding,
Iron Swords War - Shuvu Embraces its Families
Iron Swords War - Shuvu Embraces its Families
October 18, 2023
The Swords of Iron War brought with it many extremely difficult challenges in all fields – including educational. While schools are closed the schooling must be done by Zoom. We at Shuvu must of course maintain our very high level of education during these times as well, using the required
Shuvu Schools Prepare for Shavuos!
Shuvu Schools Prepare for Shavuos!
May 24, 2023
The Shuvu Schools and kindergartens throughout Israel have been busy preparing the students for the upcoming Yom Tov. Several classes visited nearby shuls and were extremely excited to see the Sifrei Torah! Many classes enjoyed Shavuos parties with delicious cheesecakes! Some also made beautiful
Shuvu Implements its Annual Kimcha Depischa Programs with Great Success!
Shuvu Implements its Annual Kimcha Depischa Programs with Great Success!
April 06, 2022
This year too B"H Shuvu distributed thousands of packages of Matza, wine and beautiful Haggadahs to the Shuvu students and families! The distribution took place in the Shuvu schools, and the children all left for their Pesach vacation extremely excited that they too would be able to
Shuvu Takes in Ukrainian Refugee Children!
Shuvu Takes in Ukrainian Refugee Children!
March 14, 2022
The Shuvu staff members have been working around the clock to ensure that refugee children from Ukraine come to the network's schools, and not to secular public schools. Naturally, with over 30 years of experience educating Russian children, Shuvu Schools are the most natural for the Ukrainian
Protecting the Environment: Watergen Device in Shuvu Petach Tikva Dedicated by Donors Watergen and President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili
Protecting the Environment: Watergen Device in Shuvu Petach Tikva Dedicated by Donors Watergen and President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili
January 06, 2022
Following their generous donation to Shuvu Petach Tikva of a Watergen machine that creates mineral-enriched drinking water from the air, officials of the Israeli Watergen company and its President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili, honored Shuvu by participating in the dedication ceremony. Shuvu places
Thousands of Sets of Daled Minim Distributed to Shuvu Families!
Thousands of Sets of Daled Minim Distributed to Shuvu Families!
September 30, 2021
Once again Shuvu ran its annual pre-Sukkot campaign, and distributed thousands of sets of Daled Minim to its students and families! Many of the Shuvu families would simply not purchase a set of Daled Minim on their own, either due to financial restraints, or lack of understanding of their
Shuvu holds its Annual Bar and Bas Mitzvah Celebrations!
Shuvu holds its Annual Bar and Bas Mitzvah Celebrations!
June 27, 2021
After not being able to have a Bar and Bas Mitzvah celebration last year due to the pandemic, we B"H were "back in business" this year, with extremely inspiring events! The Bas Mitzvah took place in Bnei Brak, with 300 girls from cities from Akko until Be'er Sheva. We were
Following Weeks of Distance Learning Due to COVID 19: Shuvu Schools Reopen!
Following Weeks of Distance Learning Due to COVID 19: Shuvu Schools Reopen!
May 17, 2020
After months of distance learning, Shuvu's 6,000 students throughout Israel have returned to learn in person! Though the learning never stopped, and the Kesher was continued by our wonderful and talented teachers, being together in school is something which was sorely missed. The reunion
Shuvu Children Join Israel President as Guests at Chief Rabbi's Sukkah!
Shuvu Children Join Israel President as Guests at Chief Rabbi's Sukkah!
October 15, 2019
A tremendous honor was bestowed upon Shuvu, as a group of children from the schools and their parents were chosen to join Israel President Reuven Rivlin, in his annual Succos visit to Chief Rabbi David Lau. The president and chief rabbi emphasized the importance of Achdus, unity, so beautifully
Gala Bar and Bas Mitzvah Celebrations!
Gala Bar and Bas Mitzvah Celebrations!
June 23, 2019
Shuvu held its annual Bar and Bas Mitzvah celebrations during the final weeks of the school year. The 200 boys celebrated in Jerusalem, beginning with Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim at the Kosel, followed by Divrei Bracha by distinguished Rabbonim, a Seudas Mitzvah, and an entertaining musical
Shuvu's Kimcha Depischa Program
Shuvu's Kimcha Depischa Program
April 18, 2019
Once again Shuvu distributed packages of Matza and wine to each and every one of our thousands of families! The students also all participated in Model Seders held in the schools before going on their Pesach vacation, to teach them how to conduct the real Seder in their own homes. The children all