
Protecting the Environment: Watergen Device in Shuvu Petach Tikva Dedicated by Donors Watergen and President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili
January 06, 2022
Protecting the Environment: Watergen Device in Shuvu Petach Tikva Dedicated by Donors Watergen and President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili
Following their generous donation to Shuvu Petach Tikva of a Watergen machine that creates mineral-enriched drinking water from the air, officials of the Israeli Watergen company and its President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili, honored Shuvu by participating in the dedication ceremony. Shuvu places great focus on health, protecting the environment, and limiting the usage of plastics, and at the event provided each of the school's students with a metal, reusable water bottle. MK Yevgeny Sova whose children learn in the school, also participated in the event, and as the parents' representative, spoke of the unique values taught at Shuvu, and of his great satisfaction from the school. Members of the Petach Tikva municipality participated as well, and although the mayor, Mr. Rami Greenberg was unable to attend, he made a special point of visiting the school the very next day to see the machine in action. Shuvu Director Rabbi Chaim Michoel Gutterman spoke of Moshe Rabbeinu being the first one to extract water in the desert, and of Dr. Mirilashvili's vision to provide drinking water to remote areas where quality water is unavailable. Dr. Mirilashvili was delighted to see the Shuvu children, and how they filled their reusable bottles with the Watergen water, and announced that he'll donate additional machines to the rest of the Shuvu schools throughout Israel!

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